Schrödinger’s Roadmap
If caught in this state, isolate yourself in a box and begin meowing pathetically until someone stages an observation intervention.
-Farty Pagan, Product Coach
Fast X Your Seatbelts, here's 10 things product managers can learn from the latest Fast and Furious movie
With this summer's premier movie event already happening, you are probably wondering to yourself, "How can I apply some of my learnings of 'family' to my product management practice?" Well, you happen to find yourself in the right place.
How Weekend at Bernie’s Taught Me to Keep My Product Funded Long After It Was Dead
Keeping a product alive can feel like a juggling act of comedy, depression, and preservation. In our experience, we’ve had to keep products alive for years in order to stay employed. Here’s where we’ve drawn inspiration.
Product Darko - What I Learned About Product from Donnie Darko
“Why are you wearing that stupid [Product] Man[ager] suit?”
How to Incorporate GenZ Slang Into Your Everyday Product Work
Wow, as a 30-something, I find that my GenZ colleagues are throwing out a bunch of cool phrases that I just couldn’t understand until I really dove in. In a wide-ranging interview with three members of Generation Z, I learned all I could about popular slang from Generation Z, and have started incorporating it in my everyday. In order to help you, I’ll provide you some examples on how I decided to do it!