Friday Reflection: Have We Built Enough Value Yet?
Here at Dignified Product, Zack and I are guided by a simple Zen-like principle: when asked, “How much is enough?” we chant in unison, “More.”
A PM’s Tale of Techno-Spiritual Horror
We had delivered through the many weeks, an abominable product so addictive, it would wreck the thumbs of children as they scrolled, endlessly captivated by the millions of content our new product: A.S.M.O.D.E.U.S. (App Simulating Malicious Occult Digital Engagements & Undermining Society)
Schrödinger’s Roadmap
If caught in this state, isolate yourself in a box and begin meowing pathetically until someone stages an observation intervention.
-Farty Pagan, Product Coach